As of May 1, the  new Music Performance Trust Fund (MPTF) grant application management system will be fully operational. The online system has been  ramping up over the past several months in order to provide greater security, less maintenance, and a much more cost-effective process for providing funding for free live performances throughout the US and Canada.

mptf music performance trust fund

Coinciding with the beginning of the MPTF’s fiscal year, grant applications will now only be accepted through the new system. No mailed, faxed, or e-mailed applications will be accepted. However, applicants and grant coordinators can seek assistance from MPTF through Vidrey Blackburn ( or Samantha Ramos ( by e-mail. They are happy to answer questions and provide guidance in using the new system.

This past November, every local was sent an e-mail and password for the new application management system. If your local representative coordinating MPTF grant applications does not know the log in e-mail address and password, please contact us.

As the MPTF closes its books for the fiscal year (May 1, 2014 through April 30, 2015), all “Page 2” submissions to verify the completion of performances must be submitted by May 8. Any late submissions of Page 2s for this past year, received after May 8, will be canceled. Again, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact MPTF.

The staff at the MPTF is taking every precaution to integrate this new system as comfortably and as easily as possible. They hope to continue to improve the new system as everyone becomes more familiar and experienced with the process.