We Provide Music Live & Free.
Supporting over 4,000 free, live events this year!

Education - Music In Schools

We Provide Music Live & Free.


We Provide Music Live & Free.

Never Too Old: A Music Documentary

Never Too Old is a film depicting music’s power to enrich life for
older audiences, and for the musicians themselves.

community programs

MPTF community events are free live music in parks and public spaces that celebrate tradition and community pride.

MusicianFest: Never Too Old, A Music Documentary

A half-hour documentary MusicianFest: Never Too Old highlights the power of music to bring joy, purpose, connectivity, and healing to all people. The film shines a light on MusicianFest, an initiative to provide free musical performances at senior centers and assisted living facilities in the United States and Canada. 



You will be able to apply for Music's Future and Music Family Scholarships in late spring 2025.

Watch our Two minute video!

Help us celebrate our 75th Anniversary by watching our 2 minute film.

75th Anniversary Booklet

Keep the celebration coming! Click below to view our 24 page supplement!


The Music Performance Trust Fund (MPTF) was established in 1948 as a nonprofit independent public service organization whose mission includes contributing to the public knowledge and appreciation of music, as well as making music a part of every child’s life experience. Headquartered in New York City, the tax-exempt MPTF, operating under section 501(c) 3 of the Internal Revenue Code, evolved from a landmark collective bargaining agreement between the American Federation of Musicians and the major recording companies of the day. Today the MPTF is a vital organization that brings music to the public and supplements the income of musicians, all at no cost to those receiving this precious gift of music.

Funded via a royalty stream from the signatory record labels, led by the three major labels, Sony Music Entertainment, Universal Music Group, and the Warner Music Group, the MPTF today presents thousands of live, admission-free musical programs annually in the United States and Canada. Under the terms of their agreement, the recording companies pay a royalty from the sale of sound recordings to the Fund. These funds are supplemented by co-sponsoring organizations and administered by a Trustee, who is independent of both the recording industry and the AFM.

Million in grants to communities since 1948

5000+ Musicianfest performances in senior centers since 2014

500* Music in Schools events in 2023

462 Music-related academic scholarships since 2020


The Music Performance Trust Fund brings free, live, professional music programs to communities through a variety of means including large-scale festivals and park concerts; educational activities, teacher training and assemblies in schools; intimate assisted living facility and senior center events; and more. Events are presented in partnership with a number of national and local arts and arts education providers. Our aim is to increase access to enriching, quality musical experiences for public school students, older adults, and those who might not otherwise have the opportunity to attend professional music performances.

MusicianFest: Never Too Old
A Music Documentary

A new half-hour documentary Never Too Old highlights the power of music to bring joy, purpose, connectivity, and healing to all people. The film shines a light on MusicianFest, an initiative to provide free, age-friendly musical performances in the United States and Canada.

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