We, the recording industry’s Music Performance Trust Fund, work together every day to support free, live musical performances for people of all ages in the United States and Canada. We pursue opportunities that enrich the lives of audiences through music and that support the livelihoods of professional musicians. And whenever we have a challenging issue, we evolve through our collective thinking as a team of trust fund administrators.
We feel the urgency to continuously reflect and find better ways forward in every area of our work. And we must address the societal issues that affect the individuals and organizations we serve.
Today we must go further and speak out to decry the systemic racism that permeates life in North America. We recognize that racism is a public health crisis for which we must individually and collectively find a cure. We strongly support re-evaluation of police procedures, re-training, and re-allocation of responsibilities to better serve and to fight systemic racism.
Music has always been a healing force, and we are proud to be able to support free, live music events that unite us; that do not intentionally or inadvertently divide us. We will continue to uphold all professional musicians and genres of musical expression as worthy of support. We welcome new event ideas that create greater diversity and unity among all people. We stand with the many music industry colleagues and trust fund signatories who have spoken up against racism and pledged funding and initiatives. We encourage our colleagues to work together to dismantle racism and create greater access and equity for people of color within the music industry and our society.